Helping you to be your best business
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September 11, 2024New Business Doctor: Boost for Businesses in Bath and Bristol
We’re thrilled to introduce Bruce Spain, the latest addition to our team. Bruce will operate in Bristol and Bath in...
Business Growth
August 28, 2024How AI Can Drive Business Growth: Benefits for SMEs this year and Beyond
Artificial Intelligence is no longer a futuristic concept; it is a present-day reality that has the potential to revolutionise some...
July 4, 2024Addressing the skills shortage in the UK
The most common issue facing our clients today is people. Recruiting, retaining and getting the most from their teams is...
Business Growth
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The Importance of Sustainability for SMEs In our article Planning for a Successful Year we talked about the importance of...
May 16, 2024South West SMEs to benefit from new Business Doctor
Seasoned businessman Raphael Fiorentino has joined forces with the national SME support network Business Doctors, bringing his unique skills and...
May 2, 2024The small business owner and mental health
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March 6, 2024Think about this before going into business with family
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February 29, 2024Business Doctors launch in Northampton
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Business Growth
February 20, 2024How to Write a Business Plan
Why you need a business plan A business plan will provide you with a clear outline of all the actions...
Business Growth
January 10, 2024Planning for a Successful Year
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Business Growth
November 6, 2023Bringing your business growth strategy to life - Making it happen
Here comes the exciting bit in which you can see your plans come to fruition (part 3/3)
Business Growth
October 3, 2023The six tentacles of the owner's trap...
Roadblocks to business growth The Owner’s Trap Many individuals set up businesses because they are looking for freedom. Freedom from...
Business Growth
September 6, 2023How to develop a business growth strategy
“A business growth strategy is a long-term document that sets out how your company will evolve to meet current...
July 27, 2023What is business purpose and why is it important?
What is the meaning of purpose? The Oxford Dictionary defines purpose as ‘The reason something is done or created or for...
May 15, 202312 tips for improving your business cashflow
January is a notorious time of year for businesses having tight cash-flow. Take a look at the next 12 tips...
Business Growth
April 20, 2023The Ultimate Guide to Business Growth
Most entrepreneurs are driven to start a business ultimately; they want to see it grow, yet they often reach a...
March 9, 2023Top tips for finding a business mentor
Are you one of the many business owners that don’t have a confidante within the business? Do you feel isolated,...
January 31, 2023The benefits of business mentoring
Research conducted by Simply Business, showed that even before Covid became a thing, business owners were already feeling isolated –...
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Business owners have been under increasing pressure since the onset of Covid back in 2019. Getting the workforce back in...
October 11, 2022Elements of leadership: The characteristics of effective leaders in business
We have looked at why leadership skills are important to business owners, the benefits to your bottom line, improved morale...
September 13, 2022What are leadership skills and how can business owners acquire them?
You may have set up your business as a result of a passion for what you do, the desire to...
September 5, 2022Business Doctors launches new office in Milton Keynes
Business Doctors is delighted to announce the launch of a new office UK office The new office in Milton Keynes,...
August 8, 2022Why leadership skills are important for business owners
A business strategy defines a business by giving it a set of values and purposes. It will provide you with...
July 26, 2022Launch of New Business Advisory Service in North Yorkshire
The new business advisory service will be headed up by Ian Howard, and will be providing support to businesses in...
Business Growth
July 11, 2022Challenges facing SMEs in 2022
Challenges Facing SMEs in 2022 The SME market is incredibly vast so far in 2022, with a variety of small...
June 27, 2022Business Doctors Bulgaria celebrates anniversary with event
Almost one year since Veselin Genev opened up our first office in Bulgaria, founders Matt Levington and Rod Davies joined...
June 16, 2022Financial challenges facing business owners
Over the last few months we have been exploring some key challenges facing business owners in 2022. We’ve already covered...
Business Growth
June 13, 2022Issues affecting businesses part-three
Supply and Logistics Over the next few months, Business Doctors will be exploring the key challenges small businesses across the...
June 13, 2022The Evolving Workforce
Talent and People What is talent, and why is it important in business? What comes to mind when we hear...
Business Growth
February 23, 2022Issues affecting businesses in 2022 - Part two
The post-Brexit reality for SMEs Over the next few months, Business Doctors will be exploring the key challenges small businesses...
January 28, 2022Matt Levington on getting back into business mode
It’s a funny month, January, the first week back is always a bit interesting trying to get your head around...
January 20, 2022Issues affecting businesses in 2022 - part one
Issues affecting businesses in 2022 – Part One – People Get your business firing on all cylinders again! The...
Business Growth
November 9, 2021How is your Sector Performing Post-COVID?
All business sectors struggled to some degree throughout the pandemic, even if there were some instances of success. According to...
Business Growth
September 3, 2021How is Your Business Feeling Post-COVID?
Getting back to business post Covid Thankfully for small businesses across the UK, the dust has finally started to settle...
August 3, 2021Financing your Business Post-COVID
The Real Cost of COVID to Small Businesses It’s time to get back on track with your venture and start...
July 7, 2021Effectively Managing Your Remote Workforce
The Challenges of Managing Remote Workforces There’s a lot to be said for in-office working. For many SMEs, the workplace...
June 16, 2021Beyond the Numbers - How is Your Business Feeling?
How is your Business Feeling Post-COVID? In light of Mental Health Awareness week in May, and the events over...
April 27, 2021Is now the time to hire your first employee?
Does your business have the resource needed to grow? You may have experienced growth in lockdown and are considering whether...
Business Growth
April 27, 2021Branding - Is it Time for a Refresh?
Well-managed branding can give you a genuine sustainable competitive advantage. This is especially relevant if you are looking to...
Business Growth
March 2, 2021Business Vision, Mission and Values - Why are they so important?
VMV are the very foundations upon which you will build a solid, sustainable & growing business. The importance is grossly...
Business Growth
February 20, 2021The importance of a Business Strategy
Strategy is important in business, right? It forms the foundation of all that we, as business owners, build our enterprises...
Business Growth
January 6, 2021Goals...are you using yours properly?
Getting your business goals right I often find that when I speak with people about business goals and more importantly,...
Business Growth
December 8, 2020It's better to GIVE...and improve your business in return
It’s time to take a long hard look in the mirror…to understand your capabilities as a business, and what makes...
Business Growth
December 4, 2020Keep Calm and Carry On...2020 is nearly over!
What a year 2020 has been For many I hear I can’t wait for 2020 to end, and frankly who...
Business Growth
November 30, 2020Sales on the slide? Then OPEN the door
Increasing lead generation and sales in the current climate Human beings are hardwired to avoid pain and gain pleasure. Scientific...
Your team
February 5, 2020Employees: The importance of getting them engaged
Employees: The importance of getting them engaged The Oxford English dictionary defines ‘engagement’ as ‘a promise, obligation, or other condition...
January 13, 2020Are you heading for a cash crisis?
Cash is different from profit. Many ‘profitable’ businesses have gone under – although on the surface they may be trading...
January 7, 2020The mystery of cash flow
What is cash flow? The Cambridge dictionary defines cash flow as: the amount of money moving into and out of...
November 1, 2019Why do fraudsters target SMEs?
Small and medium sized businesses are a prime target for online fraud!
October 16, 2019Appointing an external CEO
Stepping back from the day to day running of the business is a major decision for the founder.
All about you (the business owner)
August 15, 2019Building a management team - when is it time?
When is it time to think about a management team? For small business owners, taking the big step to expand...
June 8, 2019The Number '1' Trap
There are lots of potential traps when it comes to running a business. Some of the obvious pitfalls include: Not...
June 3, 2019Get the basics of managing your staff sorted - only then think about the progressive stuff.
Any business needs to get the basics of employing staff sorted: employing staff legally is obvious but having a staffing...
June 3, 2019Are we having smart conversations?
Enquire more, advocate less To really understand what is happening in business but in any situation, we need to enquire...
Business Growth
Business Management
January 15, 2019The Elephant in the Room
So what can an SME learn from a corporate? Not much you might think as they are so fundamentally different....
January 14, 2019Plan your way out of uncertainty
Frustrating right? How on earth have we as a country gotten ourselves into this current pickle? It seemed like a...
Building value
October 11, 2018The Road to Personal Freedom
Creating a business that functions effectively and independently of you ultimately provides you with a more valuable business. It also...
September 4, 2018How do I improve my pricing? (Finance Part 5/5)
"How a small increase in price, can give a big boost to the bottom line?"‚¬
August 28, 2018How can I increase the cash in the business to grow? (Finance Part 4/5)
"How many ways can a business owner raise money?"‚¬
August 21, 2018I'm struggling to pay the bills (Finance, Part 3/5)
"Cash is King, so how do I make sure customers pay on time?"‚¬
August 14, 2018I cannot budget what I don't know
"A bad plan is better than no plan but how can I forecast what I don't know?"‚¬
August 7, 2018What story do the numbers tell? (Finance, Part 1/5)
"How can I make the story behind the accounts better?"‚¬
Your team
June 19, 2018What people aspects can set a business apart?
Business owners, would you like an engaged workforce?
Your team
June 12, 2018How can managing staff be made easier?
Business owners, is managing your staff a stress? Reset with staff performance management
Your team
May 31, 2018How can I avoid square pegs in round holes?
Business owners, how can you get the right staff doing the right things? Reset with an organisation stucture and job...
May 29, 2018Are staff issues holding back the growth of your business?
Business owners, are staff issues holding back your business? Reset staff issues with these 3 steps ...
Business Growth
March 20, 2018Marketing your business in the digital age
Find out out the fundamentals of marketing in the digital age
February 19, 2018Top tips for a first hire
You can never repeat the process of recruiting your first hire so be intelligent about it
February 19, 2018Expanding your workforce
How do you know when is the right time to take the plunge and expand the workforce?
February 19, 2018How to select the right business bank account
Small business owners now have more options than ever for choosing a bank and can select one which caters for...
January 25, 2018Smarter Invoicing for Cash Flow Health
5 useful steps to improve your invoicing process and reduce cashflow worries.
December 12, 2017Keeping a handle on costs
What can start-ups and SMEs do to bring down costs in the early years?
November 21, 2017When is the right time to hire a management team?
The management team should evolve over time with the needs of the business.
Business Growth
September 16, 2017Business Doctor's guide to bidding on public sector works
An explanation of how to bid public sector work and how frameworks can add value to a business.
July 23, 2017Top tips to manage your business cash flow through the summer months!
The summer months for businesses can notoriously be a tight period for cash. With low productivity levels, staff on holiday...
May 15, 2017Business Doctors makes its first move into mainland Europe
"I am looking forward to bringing the Business Doctor's unique brand of jargon-free, hands on SME support to Brussels and...
May 12, 2017Growing your business
Here's some market metrics to help you target the customers you want
October 28, 2016Raising money for your business - what you need to know
What you need to know to boost your chances of securing a business loan
October 25, 2016For small businesses cash is still king
10 simple tips to help improve your cash flow position
October 24, 2016Getting the right funding for your 2017 business budget
Will you need additional funding to grow your business in 2017?
September 19, 2016How to Nourish Future Female Company Leaders
To attract talented young women to a workplace and support them in pursuing their careers to higher levels, we have...
Your team
September 19, 20166 low cost ways to improve employee engagement
Staff turnover costs British businesses at least £4.13bn every year, so what can you do as a business owner or...
August 25, 2016Cash Flow Q&A for Small Firms
Do you want to learn more about cash flow for small firms? Read our Cash Flow Q&A with Business Doctor...
July 28, 2016Why engagement is critical to the success of your business
Culture : How things are done around here Engagement : How employees feel about how things are done around...
May 27, 2016Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity but cash is reality!
What steps can you take to ensure that your businesses doesn't become a casualty to bad cash flow management?
May 18, 2016How to find additional funding for your business
Gaining access to additional funding can give your business the boost it might need.
November 16, 2015What are research and development tax credits?
A typical R&D Tax claim is in excess of £47,000 per UK company, is your company eligible?
October 22, 2015How to get 4 x faster growth than your average SME
Heard about Growth Accelerator but want to learn more?
August 27, 2015Professional services: A new world order?
The 'Big 4' Accountancy Firms offer more than just accountancy services. Can a SME accountancy practice deliver Business Solutions to...
March 29, 2015How is your company doing financially?
One of the eight factors that contribute to your company's sellability is your financial performance. Specifically, the size of your...
Business Growth
March 10, 2015Does not having a business mission and vision hinder growth?
Mission or Purpose with a vision powers everything in your business
Your team
January 28, 2015Have you built the right team for your business?
Building the right team, with individuals working to the best of their abilities, will see your business grow. A square...
November 10, 2014Employee Motivations
In conversations with business owners, there is evidence that businesses are stabilising and in some cases showing signs of growth....
July 23, 2012Barrier to growth number 2: "It's too expensive"
How can you justify investment in the development of a strategy?