The Regeneration Game
With lockdown ending at some point, and furlough ending in April 2021, how do you plan to emerge from these and regenerate your business?
Picture this:
- You’re a business owner;
- Pre-Covid you were making a decent turnover;
- You’ve used up a lot of your ideas to survive 2020;
- You’ve discovered that you need to build more resilience into your business;
- It’s value has probably decreased;
- You want to get the building blocks for growth in place to get ahead of your competitors;
This interactive 2-hour online workshop is designed to get you thinking! We will spend time running through 6 focus areas that will enable you to start the process of regenerating your business NOW and planning on how to increase both the resilience and value of your business. This will also provide you with the necessary building blocks to go on to improve your business’s growth, and it’s ability to operate without you!
The session will give you practical ideas that you can get working on straight after the Workshop, helping you work on your business rather than in your business!
I’d just like to stress that with this workshop: there’s “Nothing for Sale, Nothing to Buy”. But, all attendees will be given access to a free Value Builder questionnaire on registration to complete prior to the Workshop. Just click on the button to register.
You will also have the opportunity to have a free consultation over Zoom (optional of course!) after the Workshop to discuss anything in more detail on a more private, one-to-one basis.
Just click on the “Register” button to book your place.
The 6 focus areas to get you started with regenerating your business…
Whilst this is Covid specific, we will discuss when is the right time to return to work after lockdown and what pressures that return might bring.
When was the last time you reflected on your aspirations, values, culture, purpose and vision both professionally and personally?
Few business owners take the time to review outside influences on their business. We will discuss the current effects of social, technological, eco and political pressures and what might happen in the future; this will help you to re-orient within the new normal.
We look at 7 major areas of your business and facilitate how you can review your previous, current and future business model to start identifying new market opportunities to refresh your offering.
We examine the strengths and opportunities that currently exist in your business and help you take a fresh look in the mirror to ensure you can align opportunities with capabilities. This will help revive your strategic decision making and clarity of direction.
We look at what personal qualities you need and the actions to take to make it all happen. Arguably the most difficult step, so we also discuss planning and implementation. We will also be giving away some free tools and resources to make this final stage a little easier!
Just click on the “Register” button to book your place.
Previous attendees:
“For any business that’s looking to grow, weather a storm or open up new ways of doing business, I’d absolutely recommend Martin in the strongest terms I could think of. Brilliant stuff. ” Nick Pilgrim, Cinerobota
“Martin is simply fantastic! So knowledgeable in everything! Had a wonderful session with him … and he really helped me understand things I can put in place to protect the business, as well as understanding my emotions behind it! Cannot recommend him enough! Just brilliant.” Zoe Conning, Amplo Lettings